How To Be More Productive At Work?

Workplace productivity,  time management,and time spent per task are all a huge deal to a business owner. It may not feel that big of a deal if you say hop onto your personal Facebook for a half hour, answer private emails, stay active on with your twitter feed, or even send a few snaps out to family and friends.

First of all, let’s take a quick look at an estimate so it is easier to see why they are needing a new plan that will somehow begin increasing productivity in the workplace. Probably, you might not even realize that at 30 minutes a day that works out to be 2.5 hours every 5 days; 10 hours a month; 120 hours a year. How many co-workers do you have? Let’s say, there are 8 others plus the owner's wife as secretary (she too draws a weekly paycheck).

Workplace Productivity

Indeed, management techniques to improve workplace productivity is a must. Now the owner is seeing a loss of well over 22 hours a week or 1200 plus hours a year. Over 1200 hours a year of wasted workplace productivity. The equivalent to total hours of another entire employee that they could have working.

  1. Management techniques to improve productivity can only accomplish so much before it has the opposite effect; before it overly restricts and stifles productivity. Whereas the employee, as an adult or one legally old enough to hold a job, themselves should also be held accountable for their portion of the responsibility in regards to the workplace, the productivity, or the lack and slack.
  2. Increase productivity at work by setting trackable goals and incorporating communication tools. When establishing a measurement system, managers should understand what their company's current state and then jointly work together with the owner’s in setting up rules and expectations. Just try to do these rules and expectation watchable, trackable, and explainable.
  3. Use results to help employees growing productivity. Managers should have regular check-ins about goals and progress. Additionally, there should also be a plan in place for counseling employees who may be falling behind due to unproductivity on how to be more productive.

Relaxing internet restrictions

Often, employers overly restrict the use of the Internet. This may be out of fear that company-owned computers might be misused, or that important information will be shared in areas in which it is not intended. Amounts of resources available online, these  days can be detrimental to the completion of tasks.

Employees: How to improve productivity

Ways to be more productive at work can begin with the addition of a  tool like Workly. First of all, begin by letting your staff know exactly how much time you spend on daily tasks, personal social media, and other avenues.  Eliminating most of their loafing can be handled in this manner as who can allow proof on a program such as that they mess around more than a big boss or owner.

Big time wasters?

You don't need any memo. Each and every one of your staff know exactly where they are guilty of time wasting. These to many jobs are the big time wasters, however, if you assign the workers that are to be found guilty of overindulging in them tasks that must be done within them they will cease their involvement rather quickly as it will hold little current or future appeal to them.

  • Online videos.
  • Social media.
  • Podcasts.
  • Slack, HipChat, SnapChat (office chat systems).
  • Formal meetings.
  • Mobile phone notifications.
  • Noisy distractions that you are willing to notice.
  • Animated GIFS of the above.
  • Mobile phone calls.
  • Informal meetings.

Strategies to increase workplace productivity 

Encourage regular breaks. Sounds a bit odd but regular breaks helps improve productivity.

Make your office space a bit on the jazzier side. Allow your personality to be more apparent and visible. Whatever places a smile upon your face is what you need more added for master level production.

Set a per task time limit. Gauging aspects of time on a task is not an aspect we are good at on our own.

Follow Entrepreneur Steve Olenski recommendation. Begin each day by knocking out any and all tasks that require two minutes of attention or less.

No more multitasking. We all think we can do it and are good at it. The honesty of the ordeal is that we are not good at it like we think and it costs more time than it saves.

Set those personal deadlines. This is a great way in which to train yourself to be on top of the projects and items of importance.

Hold off on the Pokemon Go. Instead on the commute into work this is a perfect chase to write some emails, make out the days to do list, or have a Skype or Hangouts meeting with the boss.

Say no to attending any meetings. If they are not required for you to be at them only. The time around these meetings is breaking your schedule to bits, not the meeting itself but the times around it - areas such as the commute, the socializing, the chatting.

Disable personal notifications. Those would be anything not of dire importance. If you need a way to keep up with the kiddies pick an app not used for any other reason and turn those notices on while the rest are off.

Standing staff updates. Additionally, for your meetings or update sessions no chairs are needed. Make it brief and allow all to get back at their to do lists.

Ban the interruptions. Put up a do not disturb sign of sorts, use whatever excuse that you can to pull off getting others to not side step you. Set office hours, keep the door closed, block out the outside disturbances.

Being productive at work

Should you not feel as if you have accomplished enough, step back and evaluate rather than adding on more times. Adding hours is not as healthy for you as it sounds and in no way helps production.

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