10 ways to motivate employees

Despite the global automation of business processes, the human factor still plays a key role in the work of a company at any level. And every manager sooner or later faces the question of increasing the productivity of his employees.

To do this, it is important to determine the motive that encourages each employee to do their job well. Accordingly, motivation of labor personnel should be the main focus of the personnel policy of any organization.

Main types of motivation

To choose the right ways to motivate employees, the following types of motivation should be distinguished:


The main motivation for employees of companies at different levels is primarily wages and monetary incentives - material motivation of personnel. However, it is impossible to increase wages indefinitely. Firstly, it is costly for the company. Secondly, wages in each industry are dictated by the labor market. And thirdly, the motivational effect of a salary increase lasts no more than three months.The question arises: how can a manager motivate employees to work in the least costly way for the company? There are many options to achieve increased performance using non-material methods of motivation. What methods of motivation can be introduced in a company and how to motivate employees.

1. Additional training and advanced training with career prospects

In fact, it is impossible to increase the salary of an ordinary employee to the level of a department head. But it is quite possible to give him a chance to become a leader. Seminars, conferences, internships, and visits to specialized exhibitions are an excellent way to encourage promising employees with a view to moving up the career ladder.

2. Flexible schedule for the most important employees

A good reward for distinguished employees could be a convenient work schedule without a clear time limit or a transfer to a partially remote work mode.

3. Unscheduled day off

Instead of a bonus, you can give the employee an extraordinary day off. You can time this to coincide with some event in the employee’s life - for example, the birthday of his child. Or declare a clear sunny day a day to go to the park. Or time the start of seasonal sales by setting aside a day for shopping after completing certain work, and thus motivate employees to complete the plan.

4.  Congratulations on significant dates

Events can be very different - birthday, anniversary of work in the company, marriage, promotion, etc. It is important that, in addition to colleagues, managers be present when congratulating.

5. Supporting personal hobbies and interests of employees not related to work

Management often has little interest in what an employee does in his free time. Meanwhile, such information may be useful if it is necessary to encourage this employee. If he is interested in dancing, you can pay for a trip to a dance competition or reward a fitness enthusiast with a gym membership. For theater fans, the best reward is tickets to the premiere of a play with the participation of your favorite actor.

6.  Recognizing employee success and personal praise

This can be written or verbal gratitude, expressed personally or in the presence of the team. It is important that the employee feels that the manager sees and appreciates his work.

7.  Creative approach to work motivation

For creative, creative individuals, methods of encouragement should also be non-standard. Equipping your workplace with new equipment that no one else in the department or office has will be the best motivator for effective work.

8.  Creating a bank of ideas and feedback

A wise leader will definitely create conditions in the organization for the generation and implementation of rational ideas from employees. Let them post their ideas, suggestions and recommendations on the company's internal website. The most successful ones can be adopted, and the author must be singled out and awarded.

9.  Comfortable workplaces and relaxation areas

If the office creates comfortable working conditions with rest areas where you can relieve stress and restore strength, the working day will be as efficient as possible.

10. Targeted financial incentives

Financial incentives for an employee can be made more effective if you replace the traditional envelope with a trip to a good resort, a gift certificate for the purchase of household appliances or a fashionable gadget, or an excursion tour for the whole family. A good motivator would be discounts on the company’s goods or services, provision of an interest-free loan for the purchase of a car, etc. Examples of the most effective incentives include combinations of material and non-material motivation methods.A properly developed staff motivation system helps to find a balance between material and non-material incentives. Thanks to this, employees will not only be satisfied with their income, but also feel valued and important to the company. If you want stronger results in the management of your company, then the Workly time tracking system can help you with this. This is an effective tool for monitoring staff working time, which provides a complete analysis of the working time of the entire company and will help to develop an effective motivation system for each employee. Register now and you will receive a 14-day free version of the product.

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