12 Principles of Professional Agile HR

Agile HR is a new aim that most companies are trending to innovate to drive the performance. Core HR roles describe modern approach in organizational design and all onboarding processes.

Confidence in the organization and leadership help employees to communicate with the vision and strategy of the company, showing the impact of changes and knowledge transition. Room for growth make potential reaches possible with the opportunities to learn and progress.

Fair exchange on motivation in an agile rewarding system to evaluate contributions and give equal stimulation. Environment for success places employee performance at best, creating work processes and enabling collaboration within workflow. Authority and influence enhance facilitation of management and leads to increased creativity and self-organization of your employees.

Agile HR maintains knowledge workers to value-driven projects


Success of agile HR in the company works not with traditional management philosophies, where all workers are already motivated, but with leading professionals.

A manager of professionals is responsible for the following aspects of team collaboration:

-          Fostering a collective ambition, so that professionals work inside passion zone

-          Inspiring employees and involving them in the company’s strategy

-          Communicating openly and timely

-          Giving feedback and being clear about expected output

-          Being assertive towards employees who stopped being professional

-          Acting as a heat shield for the corporate noise

-          Being authoritative, but at the same time servant, with a modest attitude

Reviewing this list, agile HR manager transforms into agile knowledge work facilitator. Agile transitioning requires involving HRM with inspiring leadership. Knowledge manager should stop calling his professionals as ‘human resources’ and just start with facilitating them.

The principles of Agile for HR professionals are analogy of agile software development, yet being adapted for non-IT projects and knowledge management for professional employees.

  1. Priority to satisfy customers through early and continuous delivery of valuable product
  2. Agility to change requirements for competitive advantage
  3. Shorten timescale of content delivery
  4. Collaborate and engage all your employees
  5. Build projects around motivated individuals with proper environment, support and trust
  6. Provide face-to-face conversations as the most efficient and effective method of conveying information
  7. Prioritize quality of the product as the primary measure of progress
  8. Agile promotion for sustainable development
  9. Attention to technical excellence and good design
  10. Simplicity as the art of maximizing efficiency
  11. Clarify self-organized teams
  12. Reflect with feedback constantly to your employees

Agile HR managers or successful knowledge managers adapt these 12 tips for agile HR in company environments the way of prioritizing methodology before routine paperwork. Workly is an example of Agile HR solution to control time and attendance, leading management to free time on development agile HR processes 😉

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