How to overcome tardiness?

Being late is one of the most frequent issues that workers deal with these days. Furthermore, the delays persist despite the bosses' best efforts. There are a few easy ways to avoid being bothered by delays.


One of the most crucial elements in conquering tardiness is likely your personal mindset. Instead of telling yourself over and over again that you are frequently late, try telling yourself something like, "I am punctual," "Today I will be on time," and so on. Prepare yourself for success; this will help you overcome setbacks. You have to train your mind to accept that being on time is your middle name.

Complex plan

It will sound very banal, but in order not to be late you need to plan your day in advance. Moreover, this should be done taking into account the “domino effect”. Plan your day so that each activity depends on the previous one. If you are late for one of them, the whole plan will go down the drain. With this approach, you will begin to take each item in your plan more seriously.

Prepare in advance

In order to get everything done in the morning, you need to prepare everything in the evening. Often, it takes a lot of time to choose clothes, especially often for women. In addition, you need to decide what kind of makeup, hairstyle will be... All these issues can be resolved a day earlier, which will give you some time in the morning and most likely prevent you from being late.

Create Analogies

Make sure every event has a specific analogy to help it gain greater significance. Consider, for instance, that you are heading to the airport rather than to work. The plane will take off and you will lose if you are late. Alternatively, it might be a crucial exam for you, and latecomers are prohibited from attending. You can think of any circumstance that seems really important to you and for which you must arrive on time.


Learn to count down to improve your time management skills. Add twenty more minutes to the estimated time of your trip. If you make this method of time calculation your habit, your planning will quickly match reality, and you'll learn to automatically factor in time for unforeseen delays.

Down with the surplus

Before you go anywhere, make a note of every step you take. You can identify time-wasting activities you engage in, such as TV watching, social media chatter, or just staring at yourself in the mirror, by keeping a detailed journal of your activities. You can get rid of time-consuming activities by using this easy technique.

Carrot and stick

Reward yourself for punctuality and penalize yourself for tardiness. Depending on your preferences, there could be any kind of reward for staying on time. For instance, you can buy yourself a latte or treat yourself to a delectable dessert for lunch when you get to work on time. You should discipline yourself if you arrive late for work. You can choose to punish someone by, say, depriving them of sweets or prohibiting them from using electronics for a week. You can only be rewarded for being on time if there are penalties at work for being late.

Make a bet

Everyone enjoys arguing and establishing their superiority. Take this as inspiration to arrive on time. You can count on me to arrive on time whether I'm meeting friends, family, or coworkers. To increase motivation, consider creating a satisfying prize for the argument's victor. There is nothing wrong if you think some of these techniques are ineffectual. Since we are all unique individuals, we require different approaches. We only suggest using three or more of the suggested methods out of the many available. You'll succeed if you have confidence in yourself!

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