Correct assessment of staff performance

When we meet people along the way, we automatically evaluate them. The same situation occurs in a team, only on the part of the manager, the assessment should have slightly different criteria, including an assessment of the potential and personal contribution of employees to the development of the business.

Any personnel performance assessment system is a set of ongoing activities aimed at monitoring the quality of work performance and the progress of each individual employee and the team as a whole.

What methods exist for assessing staff performance?

Whatever assessment system is used, it should be based on the company’s goals and the overall management system, which necessarily includes the organization of work and the formation of a certain corporate culture. The main methods for assessing the effectiveness of personnel in the field of labor organization are certification throughout the year or any period of time. The methods used at the enterprise must take into account the standards of work performance and its competencies. Competencies are the skills, knowledge and abilities of employees. Motivation has a great influence on the resources used, which also needs to be assessed - the effectiveness of work depends on it, since a motivated employee invests more effort and knowledge. Important: in no case should the assessment of staff effectiveness be based on comparing employees with each other! Comparison can only be made to the degree of compliance of employees' activities with work performance standards or the final result if two or more employees occupy the same position.

What parameters are used when assessing staff performance?

Depending on the segment in which the company operates, the corresponding assessment parameters are used in the certification system. Main criteria for assessing personnel effectiveness:

Goals. Quality of completed tasks, achievement of set goals according to deadlines.
Development. Relevant for companies that take into account sales volumes, gross indicators, increasing the customer base, and production volumes (important for production).

  • Indicators. They take into account the level of job satisfaction, increased qualifications and competence of personnel, and increased planning efficiency.
    Comparison. Depending on the field of activity, comparative indicators are taken into account: an increase in market share, staff, volume of invested funds, cost reduction due to the competent organization of divisions and branches.

    Also, performance indicators may include the aspect of discipline and actual performance of employees. For example, monitoring call center operators may include:
  • schedule of calls to clients or received calls,
    coming and going to the workplace,
    duration of lunch, taking into account delays,
    duration of calls,
    customer satisfaction with service.

    The list of checkpoints changes depending on the work evaluation criteria. In any case, personnel performance assessment itself should be effective and spend as little time and money as possible. Thanks to the modern Workly program, assessment and control are made very simple.

Workly – effective personnel control

Workly is the result of many years of research by experts in the field of employee productivity. Our own developments and analysis of company requirements made it possible to develop a flexible system, thanks to which the assessment of personnel performance is fully automated. What Workly has to offer:

Control. You always know what time employees arrived and left, and how long they were actually present at the workplace.
Objectivity. The human factor is excluded - the program mechanically records departures and arrivals, it is impossible to “agree” with it.

  • Schedule. It is easy to evaluate performance indicators, as you can view staff activity in each employee's personal file.
    Payment. This is especially true for those companies whose activities involve hourly wages – IT companies, freelancers, etc.

    The presence of cloud storage and a mobile version of the application, together with quick integration with 1C, allows you to quickly make changes to the structure and view reports on employee activities.

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