How to enhance employee efficiency and boost performance at N'Medov, a case of prominent production company.

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  • How to enhance employee efficiency and boost performance at N'Medov, a case of prominent production company.

History and achievements of the holding company "N'Medov"

Production of the chocolate spread known as "Chococream" marked the start of the business "N'Medov" in 2006. 2010 saw an increase in product offerings with the addition of instant noodles (HOT LUNCH) and chocolate spread (CHOCOCREAM), both of which swiftly rose to the top of the market.

With four brands and over 3,000 workers, "N'Medov" is currently among the top businesses in Uzbekistan's food sector.


The structure of the company

The N'Medov production locations employ a diverse range of professionals, including engineers, technologists, general workers, laboratory assistants, mechanics, and others with varying specializations. To guarantee that workers in the manufacturing area were working efficiently, the business hired a dedicated HR manager. He handles all of the production staff's problems and then assigns all of the assignments and their fixes to his coworkers.


Problems in production before implementing the Workly system

Work time recording in production was done by hand prior to the introduction of the Workly system. Employee arrival and departure hours were entered into a log by a specifically recruited individual, which required a lot of time and decreased production for the business. Workers may remain absent from the office for more than an hour, which also detracts from the caliber of their output.

Solutions and results with the Workly system

Work time recording in production was done by hand prior to the introduction of the Workly system. Employee arrival and departure hours were entered into a log by a specifically recruited individual, which required a lot of time and decreased production for the business. Workers may remain absent from the office for more than an hour, which also detracts from the caliber of their output.


Optimizing employee performance using the Workly system:

  1.  Automatic registration. By ensuring precise documentation of employee arrival and departure times, the Workly system removed the chance for mistakes and omissions.
  1. Speed ​​up payroll processing.

    Preparing staff time sheets and calculating salaries was downsized from three to four hours per day to two days per month, largely due to computerized data capture.

  1. Increased productivity. 

    When the human element was removed from time tracking, workers became more focused and disciplined, which increased output.


The entire company's productivity is greatly enhanced by automatic personnel monitoring. Workly lowers the time spent on laborious manual hour recording, lowers the cost of hiring more workers, and streamlines the payroll procedure. This enhances productivity and facilitates efficient personnel management, both of which are beneficial to the company's overall development and success.

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