How To Improve Employee Relations

Becoming a likable leader is not by how charming you look, or how many incentives you give to your employees, it is about having a solid standard relationship that benefits everyone.You need to keep in that improving employee relations will help reduce workplace conflicts, raise the morale of staffs, and boost productivity. Here are some of the best possible ways to Improve Employee Relations and Employee-Boss Relationships.

Assign group tasks

One of the best possible Ways to Improve Employee Relations is by assigning employees , group tasks, whereby the team members are expected to contribute equally, and achieve targets within the desired time frame. When you motivate the employees to work together, they wouldn’t have any other choice but to trust each other and work towards achieving a common goal. Each member of a team should be at liberty to contribute his or her ideas, and all team members must sit together and deliberate on such ideas.

Involve your employees in the decision making process

This is one of the best possible means of improving relations between the boss and employees. When you make your employees feel like they are part of the organization, they will definitely want to make positive contributions. You can assign them tasks based on their preferences and interests, but never impose work on them, just assign responsibilities based on what you observe about them.

Encourage employees to share their works with each other

It is almost impossible to boost employee relations when they don’t get talking with each other. For this reason, you must encourage them to share their responsibilities with each other and when they discuss issues with themselves, they become more comfortable with each other. Most employee relation issues can be resolved  when they are comfortable to talk with each other on issues relating to their jobs and personal lives.

Organize brief early morning meetings


Early morning meetings offer the opportunity of resolving urgent issues among employees. You should have your HR support team ready to deal with any issues that may not be resolved within the early morning periods. Early morning meetings will afford everyone to come together on a common platform and present any issue affecting their inter-relationships. The meeting doesn’t have to be too formal, as staffs can bring their coffee with them and if you notice any staff not in a happy mood, you must take some time to discuss issues with him or her.

Organize end of the year parties, and special birthday occasions for your employees

Small initiatives such as recognition of birthdays, can go a long way to boost employee team relations. end of the year party is something many employees always look forward to while celebration of birthdays of staffs even for few minutes can strengthen the bonds among them. You can be creative with this by asking them to decorate the office or work stations of the birthday celebrant, and take some time off to praise the individual for any exceptional contribution he or she has made.  A healthy relationship between employees will bring out healthy ambience within the workplace.

Always provide some incentives

Employees always cherish incentives, especially when such are regular. Sometimes, a regular paycheck may not be motivating enough for employees to work harder, consider adding incentives to bring something new into their lives. Incentives don’t have to be huge, even a slight hourly wage increase can do a lot to boost their morale and improve their communication with each other and the boss. It is ideal to have an understanding of the importance of employee retention, especially through incentives. Some employees quit their jobs for other lucrative jobs when they are willing to be offered more incentives.

See yourself as a mentor and a teacher and not a dictator

One of the detrimental things affecting employee relationship management in today’s world is that many boss enjoy imposing their orders on staffs, this brings out fear among employees who become too scared of making mistakes. If you are looking for Ways to Improve Employee Relations,  then you must turn yourself into a mentor, coach or a teacher when giving out instructions. By becoming a mentor, you help employees develop new skills, and the reason being that most employees do have fond memories of coaches and mentors. Helping others develop something new is an habit you must develop as the boss- it creates a solid communication between you and your staffs.

Always ask for their feedback and make move to change

The importance of getting feedback is to bring about a positive change. Most leaders often believe they are likable to their employees whereas the reverse is the case, employees are often afraid of giving their bosses feedback because of the backlash they may receive. When a leader is open to change and feedback, he will not only increase employee turnover, it will boost communication between leaders and followers in an organization. Allow others to judge you and don’t judge yourself, this will help them to become open-minded.

Be a visionary leader who is focused on the future


One of the benefits of good employee relations is that you get tips from your subordinates every time on how to expand and grow the organization.  If you can take time to take long trips with your kids, you should be able to carry employees with you into the future. As a visionary leader, you must allow your employees to have a clear picture of where your organization is heading to.

Do not neglect office hour tracking

While communication between employee and bosses are very important, you need to consider one of the most important employee retention tips and that is – Tracking the progress of effective communication among employees help you detect if your strategies are working. Make sure you use a Time tracking system such as Workly to check if your employees are making use of the different communication channels to get their tasks done. Another importance of using scheduling software is that it simplifies your duties as the boss, while employees know what to do at what time. You need the software also to accomplish payroll duties, schedule holidays for workers and many more.

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