Gamification of HR

HR matters managing people, applying different sources and practices to satisfy demand of internal employer branding. Companies that are interactive win this competition in the labor market by being concerned about their employees. HR gamification starts with care of your people, your main asset.

HR gamification has gained a lot of attention in the online progressive world as a way to engage people and build loyalty. The interactive environment seems more interesting than one with standard approaches and stable policies. These programs have tremendous power to drive motivation and influence performance.

How does it work? Playing a game applies informal communication between management and employees, which demands behavior-motivating techniques and social games to non-game environment. An effective gamification program represents itself as an engagement part of loyalty program with rewards policies 😉

Motivation drivers demand employees being more interactive and engaged in this system, which is working behind the scene to provide better working environment. This would also help employees to be concerned about company’s goals and aims, showing higher interest in self-development and performance quality.

There exist five most common ways HR teams can leverage gamification to achieve certain business goals in productivity increase.

Employee Onboarding and Talent Management

Recruitment process demands more communication to provide better experience in rewarding prospects to be more acknowledged in business processes that require fast self-organization.

Providing interaction by gamification you ensure your prospect to be more interested in onboarding by several quests. Candidates would be more motivated to complete various steps to earn rewards.

At the same time onboarding effectiveness relies on both talent management with internal and external communication with prospects. People that experience benefits in the company should first inspect all rules of the game you offer, thus the quest you provide would work stable and effective. All you need to do after launch is control, where you change directions and see results in numbers of KPI. Moreover, there is no mind of rewarding employees that help you with this onboarding system.

Corporate Culture Creation

HR specialists tend to provide theories and practices on importance of corporate culture, that is keeping employees engaged and provide core feelings as if they are a part of a team. That process is core for retaining your employees and is efficient for talent management.

Corporate culture works best as a solution for value delivery to your employees. Internal culture is a background of working environment with a basis of collaboration, task and project management and processing of product design.

Gamified platform here helps in analysis and tracking activities and opportunities, as well as showcase to drive participation of all people. As an added benefit, the platform maintains a record of all activities in the program, providing valuable data for rewards and promotion.

Mentorship and Training Motivation

Standard authority-based HR training is often not high on most employees’ priority list to be entertained. Informal working relationship forms friendship and emotional trust, mutually influencing motivation. This basis drives efforts of employees to challenge themselves for training and self-development.

However, people demand clear path for training, where mentorship programs work most efficiently for valuable results. Adding gamification experience to the learning program drives action. Employees are facing quests, where they earn rewards and recognition for completed tasks (or missions). These drivers demand participation for path showing to reduce compliance with the scenario.

Reduce Routine in Administrative Requirements

Routine poisons working environment, especially when other tasks are more pressing and exciting. Still, routine sometimes is unavoidable in areas such as paperwork and legal administrative requirements. So why not make it fun? 😀

Similar to training applications, gaming in routine is still possible to indicate. Add some mission mixture to this type of tasks and people would create friendly competition and they would be eager to complete.

Create Clear Path for Career Management


Gaming in overall is a complex scenario of quests and missions, which is applicable for career management. Career itself is an analogy of gaming, where you play as a good employee to earn rewards and experience to increase own level and beat the final boss.

Using gamification, HR process becomes more transparent, a mission-based program where people see clear career path with steps others have taken to level up in the organization.

Meaning, by showcasing behavior in a gamified platform, other employees see what it takes to become the top of the month or a year. Training, development, performance, attribution – all of it should become as a program design for others. Moreover, all of this data allows clear tracking of effort and results, showing valuable historic record to capture employee and organizational culture.

Gamification of HR demands progressive thinking, where all you need to do is to avoid routine and standard policies and try to apply modern interactive ideas in your company.

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